Lifelong learning for theological education
It used to be that to pursue theological education meant going away to seminary for 3 years to study and earn a degree. Most students planned to be in full-time paid ministry positions after graduation.
Today, most students are already in some form of ministry, leadership or service when they seek to pursue theological education. Most work full-time, and take classes part-time, with families to support.

Ministry also looks different in many places.
Ministers may be volunteers (unpaid), part-time, bi-vocational, or full-time. They may carry a ministerial title, or simply live as “one who ministers.”
BSK created the WayPost program as a way of offering theological education to all these varied expressions of ministry across a lifetime.
Waypost allows you to make choices about how your theological education journey is shaped, and when you wish to pursue it.
As such, we offer a path for persons who
- wish to grow and learn but do not need to seek a graduate degree.
- wish to learn and may later seek a graduate degree.
- want to pursue a graduate degree.
- have a graduate degree but want to continue learning.
We Offer:
Flourish Courses
Short-term, highly practical courses, offered online. These do not carry graduate credit.
BSK Certificates
9 hours of graduate-level coursework around a theme. Our certificates include Black Church Studies, Exploring Ministry I or II, Pastoral Care, and Rural Ministry. The certificates offer graduate credit that may be rolled into a graduate degree program. BSK certificates may be continuing education for those who have already earned a graduate degree, or a starting place for those considering an M.Div..
Master of Arts in Ministry Studies
This 36 hour degree offers a flexible, choose-your-specialty graduate degree for congregational and non-profit leaders.
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Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
This 75 hour degree is a professional graduate degree for congregational and non-profit leaders.
Your Path Through Theological Education
This graphic shows these options, as well as how they might be accessed ahead of a degree, seeking a degree, instead of a degree, or continuing after receiving a degree.
So whether you are a Sunday school teacher, a deacon, a volunteer or part-time minister, or seek full-time ministry, BSK offers a path for you to grow and learn.
Contact Abby Sizemore today to discuss your path through theological education.
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