Statement on Anti-Asian Violence from the Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group of ATS

Statement on Anti-Asian Violence from the Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group of ATS
BSK: Baptist Seminary of Kentucky stands in solidarity with the Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group of the Association of Theological Schools in denouncing racism and hatred directed at persons of Asian descent.


Statement on Anti-Asian Violence 

The Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group of the Association of Theological Schools 

March 24, 2021 

We, the Asian Descent Presidents and Deans, of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) condemn and denounce every form of attack against Asians and Asian Americans in the strongest possible terms. As a minoritized group, Asian Americans have been historically subject to harassment, discrimination, violence, and mass incarceration. The recent targeted violent and brutal attacks on the members of our community are abhorrent manifestations of perennial racism against the Americans of Asian descent in our country. The targeted violence unto killing of the most vulnerable-women and the elderly-is especially deplorable. It is a direct assault on our community that honors and values family deeply. We reject white supremacy and xenophobia and urge an end to the scapegoating of Asian and Asian Americans for the pandemic.  

The Asian and Asian American community is an ethnically and culturally diverse group that has made valuable contributions to our society-particularly so during this pandemic. We claim our rightful place in our country and demand to be treated equally and with dignity. We ask all of us to respect and protect the life of every member of our community. 

We call upon all members of ATS to speak against anti-Asian racism in our institution and nation. We ask you to join in our fight for justice and the equal rights of people of Asian descent, as each and every one of us is called to bear witness to God’s justice and mercy for all people.   

The members and friends of the Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group at the Association of Theological Schools listed below do hereby stand in solidarity as the signatories of the Statement:  


Dr. Susan Abraham, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, Pacific School of Religion | Vice-Chair, ATS Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group 


Dr. Deborah H. C. Gin, Director of Research and Faculty Development, The Association of Theological Schools | The Commission on Accrediting 


Rev. Dr. David S. Han, Dean of the Faculty and Vice-President for Academics, Pentecostal Theological Seminary | Chair, ATS Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group 


Rev. Dr. Jin K. Hwang, The School of Divinity, Georgia Central University 


Dr. Hyunwan Kim, Academic Dean of the Graduate School, Grace Mission University 


Dr. Uriah Y. Kim, President, Graduate Theological Union 


Rev. Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, President, Claremont School of Theology 


Rev. Dr. Boyung Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, Iliff School of Theology 


Rev. Dr. James Seung-Hyun Lee, President, International Theological Seminary | Steering Committee Member, Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group 


Rev. Dr. John Y. Lee, Academic Dean, John Leland Center for Theological Studies 


Dr. Sanghoon Lee, President, America Evangelical University Graduate School of Theology 


Dr. Sang Meyng Lee, President, Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America 


Dr. Katheryn Leung, President, China Evangelical Seminary North America 


Rev. Dr. Kuo-Liang Lin, President, Logos Evangelical Seminary 


Dr. Amir Hussain, Chair of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University 


Rev. Dr. Wonsuk Ma, Dean of the College of Theology and Ministry, Oral Roberts University 


Rev. Dr. Deborah Flemister Mullen, Columbia Theological Seminary | Past Co-Convener of the ATS African American Presidents and Deans Group 


Rev. Dr. Damayanthi Niles, Interim Academic Dean, Eden Theological Seminary 


Rev. Dr. Alvin Padilla, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Director of Advanced Degrees, Western Theological Seminary 


Dr. Rollin A. Ramsaran, Academic Dean, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan 


Dr. Lester Edwin J. Ruiz, Director of Accreditation and Global Engagement, The Association of Theological Schools | The Commission on Accrediting 


Rev. Dr. J. Jayakiran Sebastian, Dean of the Seminary, United Lutheran Seminary 


Rev. Seon Mook Shin, Vice President, World Mission University School of Theology 


Dr. Chloe Sun, Academic Dean, Logos Evangelical Seminary | Steering Committee Member, Asian Descent Presidents and Deans Affinity Group 


Rev. Christopher M. The, PhD Cand., Director of Commission Information Services, The Association of Theological Schools | The Commission on Accrediting 


Dr. Felix Theonugraha, President, Western Theological Seminary 


Dr. Mai-Anh Le Tran, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 


Dr. David Vásquez-Levy, President, Pacific School of Religion | Convener of the ATS LatinX Presidents and Deans 


Dr. Frank Yamada, Executive Director, The Association of Theological Schools | The Commission on Accrediting 


Dr. Mary H. Young, Director of Leadership Education, The Association of Theological Schools | The Commission on Accrediting 


Dr. Amos Yong, Dean of the School of Theology and the School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary