Paul L. Redditt


Senior Lecturer in Old Testament

B. A., Ouachita Baptist University (1963); M. Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1967; M. A. and Ph. D., Vanderbilt University (finishing in 1972)

A native of Little Rock, Arkansas, he was ordained to the ministry by its First Baptist Church in 1961. He served small churches as pastor in college and seminary, and has served as interim pastor, supply preacher, and speaker at various denominational functions in both Ohio and Kentucky. He taught in the Religion and Philosophy department of Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio, from 1972 to 1986, and in the Religion department at Georgetown College until his retirement from full time teaching in 2008. He was chair of Georgetown’s Religion Department from 1986 to 2005. He now teaches part-time for the college. At BSK, he first taught World Religions, and now he teaches Old Testament, both on a part-time basis.

Dr. Redditt has written twelve Sunday School quarterlies, as well as articles for Sunday School teachers, and he still writes exegetical studies for ministers in Lectionary Homiletics. He has written numerous articles for Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias and longer articles for scholarly journals and collections. He has also written commentaries on Daniel and on Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in the New Bible Commentary series, and a commentary on Zechariah 9-14, forthcoming in the International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament. He has also co-edited three volumes of scholarly articles. In 2008 he published the Introduction to the Prophets for Eerdmans Publishing Company. He is now serving as an editor and a writer for the Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary series.

Dr. Redditt currently teaches the required Introduction to the Old Testament course as well as elective courses in the Old Testament.