John Inscore Essick writes for Baptist News Global

John Inscore Essick writes for Baptist News Global

Dr. Inscore Essick is also the director of the Rural Ministry Program at BSK.

Dr. John Inscore Essick, associate professor of church history at BSK, recently wrote an article for Baptist News Global entitled, “It’s hard to quit Herod, but we must worship another.” Dr. Inscore Essick writes,

“Herod wants it all to run through him, and when it doesn’t — well, he’ll rant and rampage and flail and destroy and blame anything and anyone. For Herod is sensitive, mind you, extremely sensitive. He’s threatened by anyone who looks remotely threatening, whether that person be a baby born to poor parents in Bethlehem, an unarmed George Floyd begging to breathe to his last breath on a street in Minneapolis, or a broken and deeply confused Air Force veteran like unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who took her last breath on the floor of the Capitol building.”

Click here to read the full article.