African American Scholar Named Visiting Professor of Preaching and Black Church Studies

African American Scholar Named Visiting Professor of Preaching and Black Church Studies

Dr. Lewis Brogdon

Dr. Lewis Brogdon has been named Visiting Professor of Preaching and Black Church Studies at the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. Dr. Brogdon joins the seminary in July 2019. The position is shared with Simmons College of Kentucky, as part of the partnership between the two institutions.

Brogdon describes the significance of joining BSK, “A few years ago, Dr. James Cone told me to find my voice. I took these words of wisdom to heart and, with God’s help, have found my voice. Recent writing projects can attest to the different place from which I write and speak as a scholar. That is why I am excited to join the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. I am entering a new season in my career as a biblical and religious scholar and a practical theologian, transitioning from being a junior scholar and academic leader to a scholarly leader who can help institutions, students, and churches imagine creative, and often new ways of navigating the complex challenges confronting faith communities in the 21st century. I look forward to teaching engaging courses in preaching and Black Church Studies. I also want you to keep your eyes open for innovative new programs and initiatives as BSK deepens its involvement with the African American community in Louisville through its partnership with Simmons College of Kentucky. Let’s get to work!”

“BSK is proud to bring aboard a noted scholar and leader who brings with him a rich career and accomplishments. Dr. Brogdon’s voice will enrich our community, curriculum, and the shape of our presence as we serve with Simmons College of Kentucky,” claimed Dr. David Cassady, president at BSK. “We are also excited about the ways Dr. Brogdon connects us with the wonderful work of the National Baptist Convention of America (NBCA).”

Dr. Lewis Brogdon has served in numerous positions in undergraduate and graduate institutions as a professor – Assistant Professor of New Testament and Black Church Studies at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and Religion and Biblical Studies at Claflin University, and an Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Bluefield College. He also served those institutions as an administrator – the founding director of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary’s Black Church Studies Program, Provost at Simmons College of Kentucky and Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Research at Bluefield College. Brogdon is the author of several books including A Companion to Philemon (Cascade 2018), The Spirituality of Black Preaching (Seymour Press 2016), The New Pentecostal Message? (Cascade 2015), Dying to Lead: The Disturbing Trend of Clergy Suicide (Seymour Press 2015), Hope on the Brink (Cascade 2013) and No Longer a Slave but a Brother (Scholars Press 2013). He has authored numerous journal articles, book chapter essays and magazine articles.

Dr. Brogdon is also a popular preacher, lecturer, and panelist. He has lectured at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, the Interdenominational Theological Center, the University of Chicago Divinity School, Claflin University, and Radford University on nihilism in black America. He was the keynote speaker at a city wide Martin Luther King dinner in Dayton OH, and received an invitation to the White House in 2014. Also, he is a special guest on Black Politics Today and presents workshops at major conferences like the Hampton Ministers Conference at Hampton University, the Global 21 Congress in Jerusalem and the annual congress for the National Baptist Convention of America, International (NBCA). Brogdon is an ordained minister of twenty six years and has pastored churches in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio.

Simmons College of Kentucky in Louisville is the home to one of BSK’s two locations, with the other location at Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky. BSK began offering the full Master of Divinity degree at the Simmons College campus in 2018.

The Baptist Seminary of Kentucky is focused on forming creative leaders for ministry in a rapidly changing world. The seminary’s areas of emphasis include women in ministry, racial justice, rural ministry and pastoral care. BSK is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

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Jessalynn Cornett