Brittany Stillwell graduated from BSK in 2013.
BSK alumna, Brittany Stillwell, Minister with Students and Families at Second Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR, has created a resource for churches with Carol McEntyre, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Columbia, MO. This worship resource has been created to help congregations address the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource is described as “an interactive, trauma informed, worship service for churches to use.” Brittany and Carol say, “The service reflects on what was lost and what was gained, where we felt God’s absence and God’s presence. The service offers us the chance to remember our baptism and walk in newness of life, with resilience.”
This resource was highlighted in Baptist News Global. In this article, Carol says,
“Through an interactive reflection, we give congregants the chance to practice lament and name what was lost and where they felt God’s absence. Through a centering prayer experience, we give worshippers the chance to reconnect with their bodies and God, acknowledging that the stress and trauma of the last year is held in our bodies, whether we know it or not.
In our planning, we also recognized that not everything that happened in 2020 and beyond was bad. For some, working from home or having more time with their children was a gift, so we give congregants the chance to name what was gained and where we felt God’s presence in the midst of it all. We did all this in the context of words of hope from our sacred Scriptures.”
You can download the resource here.