Brogdon to present for Edwards Peacemaking Lecture at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary

Brogdon to present for Edwards Peacemaking Lecture at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary

Dr. Lewis Brogdon will be the presenter for the Edwards Peacemaking Lecture at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary on March 15, 2022, from 7-8:30 PM, EST, discussing African American Pentecostal Traditions. This lecture will take place on Zoom.

Dr. Brogdon will be lecturing on “The Unfinished Business of Azusa Street: Toward a Black Pentecostal Theology of Social Justice” and will examine the need for Pentecostalism in general, and African American Pentecostalism in particular, to reimagine and expand the import of Spirit Baptism. Dr. Brogdon will be doing some insightful work on Luke-Acts, Pentecostal history, and the theology of William Seymour, as well.

Register by March 11.