BSK Theological Seminary

Diversities Assets

A collection revealing the ways BSK has attempted to embrace and amplify the diversity that has been gifted to our community.

Context: Our Story Informs Choices

Invitation & Response

Our journey as a school has been profoundly affected by key invitations and the way the seminary community chose to respond.

In 2015, Dr. Cosby of Simmons College invited BSK to have a presence on the campus of an HBCU. This forced the seminary to grapple with how saying “yes” would change the how and what of our work.

In 2020, the NBCA invited BSK to become their first official seminary — dramatically increasing enrollment and changing the shape of our student body. This again prompted the school to make choices about how the “how, what and who” of our programs.

From our Commitments

We seek out and attend to the presence and work of the Spirit in all persons called of God by the inclusion of diverse voices in the classroom, Seminary gatherings and events, and in academic, student life, administrative, and governance deliberations.

(Mission & Commitments)

Academic Assets

Click a heading to view or download an item.


  • BSK Course Syllabi
    A collection of 14 course syllabi showing the intentional inclusion of the Black church tradition. (This is a Zip file – download and unZip).





  • Cosby Scholarships Summary
    The Kevin & Barnetta Seminary Scholarship is a reparations-centered program for descendants of slavery.




Promotional Assets

Click a heading to view or download an item.


  • 40 Days of Prayer
    Promo card for resource produced by Simmons College and authored by a BSK student.







  • Fall 2022 Print Newsletter
    Includes information on Institute’s work. It also reflects efforts balancing communications across the White and Black church communities.




Multi-Media Assets

Click a heading to view or download an item.


  • Flourish Course (2020): The Fight for the Soul of America
    Six sessions. America faces a moral struggle. With the covid pandemic, systemic racism, toxic politics, grinding poverty, misinformation on social media, and declining congregations, this course explores the next steps for you and your church. (Use code ATS2024 for free access)


  • Flourish Course (2021): America In Crisis
    A six session workshop confronting this racial moment in our country, working to understand what’s brought us to this moment, leading through possible paths forward, and offering resources for response.
    (Use code ATS2024 for free access)





    Meet our Team

    BSK is gifted with a talented, committed, and justice-oriented community.
    Meet the persons who serve as faculty and staff (and often both) at BSK.