This retreat was a part of the January Term class entitled, “Monasticism Old and New.”
Janine Williams, a BSK student from Radcliffe, is already looking forward to BSK’s 2020 retreat to St. Meinrad Archabbey. “This January, I had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my class at St. Meinrad. This was a spiritually transforming experience for me that I will never forget and I look forward to experiencing again and again.”
Janine joined faculty and other members of the BSK community at St. Meinrad Archabbey in Southern Indiana to pray and eat together in the context of a hospitable Benedictine community. Denny Vanderpool, a BSK student and youth minister in Lexington, found himself “open to God in subtle ways that I had missed in the busy rhythms of daily life. I will definitely return, and I recommend a retreat of this nature to anyone who seeks a centering of their spiritual life.”
It’s not too early to make plans to join BSK at St. Meinrad next year. The next retreat will be January 8-10, 2020. Space is limited. For questions or details, contact John Inscore Essick (john.essick@bsk.edu).