Presence and interest for BSK higher than ever at CBF General Assembly

Presence and interest for BSK higher than ever at CBF General Assembly

Summer is the time for denominational meetings, and this year, at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s annual General Assembly, BSK was a sponsor. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni attended the event, held in Atlanta, GA in late June.

BSK students Leigh Anne Armstrong and Renee Edington, CBF Leadership Scholars at BSK, were recognized in a plenary session and many alumni served in leadership capacities from committees to board members of related organizations to CBF Global. As BSK continues to live into the partnership made with CBF of Virginia, BSK staff were in attendance at the regional dinner as BSK president, David Cassady, was able to give a report of BSK’s work to those in attendance. Alongside CBF of Kentucky, BSK’s “home” CBF branch, a reception was hosted onsite for BSK alumni, supporters and friends, who are often also members of CBF of Kentucky.

New York Times best selling author and national speaker, Jemar Tisby, was a guest of BSK at the Emmanuel McCall Racial Trailblazer dinner. The BSK booth at the Gathering Place, where attendees of General Assembly gathered at the end of each night was often busy with reuniting friends and prospective students, stopping by to learn more about BSK’s programs.

CBF’s General Assembly is such a wonderful time of reunion and networking for the BSK community among other friends within the cooperative baptist world, and this year the energy around the momentum being gained at BSK was palpable!