Ways to Support BSK





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Support BSK’s Mission to Prepare Students for Life and Ministry

Baptist Seminary of Kentucky exists by the grace of God, the diligent work of our spiritual pioneers, and the contributions of generous individuals, churches, and other partner organizations. Gifts given to BSK relieve the financial burden placed on students by providing funds for scholarships and tuition assistance. These gifts also provide the Seminary with the means to hire talented faculty and staff, secure necessary space and resources, and keep pace with changes in learning technology. Help BSK shape the next generation of ministers with your financial support.

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Charitable Rollover Provision

On December 18, 2015, the President signed legislation indefinitely extending the Charitable Rollover Provision, making it retroactive to January 1, 2015, with no expiration date. The Charitable IRA Rollover Provision, or qualified charitable distribution (QCD), enables IRA owners ages 70 ½ or older to contribute up to $100,000 of their IRA assets directly to public charities, including Baptist Seminary of Kentucky.

You may contact Glenda Simpson (502-863-8300 or glenda.simpson@bsk.edu) about making a gift to Baptist Seminary of Kentucky.  As always, you should check with your attorney, accountant, or financial advisor on the specifics and how they apply to your situation.