Dr. Levens has been Assistant Professor of Christian Mission since 2014.
BSK’s Dr. Laura R. Levens and Dr. David Cassady wrote a response to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler’s rebuke of Saddleback Church in California’s ordination of three women. They write,
“God has and does call women to preach, to pastor, to teach, and to lead churches and seminaries. It is arrogant and insulting to the women God has called to ministry to say they cannot be called. It is insulting to Phoebe, for example, who was likely entrusted to write down and deliver Paul’s letter to the Romans. According to Paul, Phoebe was a “deacon” and a “patron,” highlighting her leadership position of financial support and oversight of her house church. Paul also included Priscilla, a teacher, and Junia, an apostle. The evidence of women acting as pastors, preachers and teachers in the New Testament is overwhelming, if one looks for it.”