Sabrina’s long-term goal is to pastor a church.
Each student that graduates from the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky is required to take The Benediction. The Benediction is designed as an endpoint or blessing to Seminary studies. The primary objective of this class is to integrate theological studies with ongoing preparation for Christian ministry in the students’ final year. The course involves work in three areas: transitions, self-care, and ministry issues. This semester, Dr. John Inscore Essick taught The Benediction. As a final assignment, Dr. Inscore Essick had our four graduates write a benediction for the BSK Community. One of the 2018 Graduates of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky is Sabrina Smith. Read Sabrina’s benediction below:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you.
May your rooms be filled with loving discussion.
May your community of life thrive.
May you always remain a place to calm.
May you always remain a place to heal.
May you never fail in giving guidance.
May you never fail in leading change.
May the light always in you be found.
May the Spirit always find you willing.
May you always cling to Jesus’ name.
May the Father always carry you through.
May God continue always to use you.
May God bless your works in every way.
After graduation, Sabrina plans to continue working for Girl Scouts of Kentucky’s Wilderness Road Council and First Baptist Church of Corbin KY. Sabrina’s long term goal is to pastor a church.