In the Spring 2024 semester, four different female scholars will offer unique electives on BSK’s course schedule. These electives would be perfect for auditors. Auditors participate in class discussion, but do not have to do any reading or receive credit or a grade. If you are interested in signing up to audit one or more of these classes, click here.
MIS 2633 Social Justice in the Free Church Tradition, Dr. Laura Levens
This course is an exploration into social justice writings out of the free church tradition. It will begin with Charles Marsh’s The Beloved Community as a framework. Students and instructor will then read key sources together from various strands of the tradition and historical periods. Students interested in this course are encouraged to contact the professor before the course begins to give their input on social justice topics, readings, and resources for the course.
CHH 2607 Pentecostal Heritage, Dr. Candace Smith
A historical and theological survey of the 20th century Pentecostal movement. Special emphasis will be given to the importance of pre-Pentecostal movements, the Azusa Street Revival, the Charismatic & Neo-Charismatic movements, and the contributions of the Two Thirds world, African Americans, and women to the development and growth of global Pentecostalism. Considerable time will be given to discussing the theologies within global Pentecostalism.
OTS 2676 Special Topics: God in the Wilderness, Dr. Noel Forlini Burt
Wilderness experiences shape and stretch the very faith that Christians proclaim, frequently because the character and personality of God in such seasons proves confusing and even jarring. This course provides an intertextual treatment of select biblical texts in which God and God’s people find themselves in wilderness. This course also explores texts outside the Bible which draw on the rich Jewish and Christian tradition(s) of wilderness as a metaphor for suffering and the absence of God. Finally, this course provides students with opportunities to experience aspects of wilderness theology such as silence, solitude, and others, through practical and pastoral application of these themes.
THE 2676 Special Topics: Christian Theology as Told by Women, Dr. Kate Hanch
This course explores the theologies of women, teasing out their theologies through their own words and experiences. Students read primary sources from women theologians from the medieval period to the present day and learn how their contexts and experiences help them think about the Triune God. Special attention is given to European medieval women and 19th century Black women preachers in the United States. Themes include Christian mysticism, the use of Scripture, and the role of the erotic. Students are asked to self-reflect upon their own context, and how their contextual realities play a role in how they live out their faith.