
Endowment and Reserve Funds

Endowments are directed toward specific needs at BSK. The endowment funds are named for prominent Kentucky ministers and most provide funding for faculty. BSK receives annually a distribution amount based on a spending formula of about 3.5%. These funds are managed by the Kentucky Baptist Foundation and HighGround Advisors.

  • Greg and Nell Earwood Presidential Endowment

  • Franklin P. Owen, Sr. Chair of Pastoral Studies

  • Bill and Earlene Rentz Turner Chair of Preaching and Worship

  • Eldred M. Taylor Chair of Biblical Studies

Reserve Funds are also directed toward specific needs at BSK but their total accumulation is less than the $50,000 necessary to establish an endowment. BSK receives either a certain percentage annually or the donor directs a certain amount for use during the year.

You may contribute to any of these endowment or reserve funds at any time.