Professor of Theology


Dr. Mark Medley

B.S., (Mathematical Sciences) University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
M.Div., PhD., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Contemporary and Systematic Theology were the foci of his doctoral work.
Additional studies, University of Notre Dame and the University of the South.

At BSK, in addition to theology, Dr. Medley teaches courses in ethics, Baptist heritage, and Christianity and culture. Prior to joining the faculty of Baptist Seminary of Kentucky, he served on the faculty of the School of Theology of Campbellsville University (KY) from 1999 to 2007. While at Campbellsville University Dr. Medley was awarded the Non-Tenure Faculty Excellence Award and was a two-time recipient of the Faculty Challenger Award, both honors recognizing his teaching excellence.

He has published one book, Imago Trinitatis: Toward a Relational Understanding of Becoming Human (University Press of America, 2002) and is currently working on Participating in the Mystery: A Student Guide to Theology for Mercer University Press. He has also published two book chapters as well as essays and book reviews in Perspective in Religious StudiesReview and ExpositorLexington Theological QuarterlyInterpretationThe International Journal of Systematic TheologyReligious Studies ReviewChristian Scholar’s Review, and Christian Reflection. Forthcoming is “Stewards, Interrogators, and Inventors: Toward a Practice of Tradition” in Pro Ecclesia.

Dr. Medley is a member of The National Association of the Baptist Professors of Religion (holding officer positions in the Southeast Region and Region-at-Large), American Academy of Religion (serving as co-chair of the Constructive Theologies section for the Southeast Region), College Theology Society (co-chair of the Evangelical Catholic/Catholic Evangelical Consultation), Baptist History and Heritage Society, and the Christian Theological Research Fellowship. He also serves on the Christian Unity Commission of the Kentucky Council of Churches and the editorial board for Review and Expositor.