Dr. Lewis Brogdon Writes for Black Politics Today

Dr. Lewis Brogdon Writes for Black Politics Today

Dr. Lewis Brogdon joined the BSK faculty in Fall 2019.

Dr. Lewis Brogdon, Visiting Professor of Preaching and Black Church Studies at BSK, had an article published in Black Politics Today entitled, “Where’s the Black Boy Magic?” In this article, Dr. Brogdon answers the following questions, “1) Where are the black men in the political system? 2) Why are their voices so silent when men suffer from the politics and laws that also impact the greater African-American community? 3) When will black men stand up and make a difference politically?” Dr. Brogdon writes,

“Many have alluded to Black America being in a new age where the leadership of black women should be embraced. We are living in this era and we need to organize black male political efforts using a message of cooperation, not competitiveness. Yes, black men need to stand up and make a difference. That will always mean voting, but care must be taken to organize our efforts so that we can maximize impact and not be positioned to make political decisions that are counterproductive, like competing against black women when we should be working with and supporting them.”

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