Devin Harris-Davis Published in Nurturing Faith Journal

BSK Student Devin Harris-Davis wrote “Hospitality in unexpected places” for the July-August issue of the Nurturing Faith Journal.

Devin shares how she discovered the power of hospitality through an unexpected experience.

She writes, “Nine months before my wedding day, I found myself in a housing dilemma. The lease on my apartment was ending, my roommates were dispersing, and I worked at a nonprofit with a salary too modest to afford housing on my own.

Fortunately, I knew that a professor from my alma mater, Georgetown College, had housed several recent graduates in his family home during periods of transition. I nervously approached him and his wife to ask for a temporary room in their household. We met for dinner to discuss the details, and they invited me into their home for those nine months.

The day I arrived, with boxes and furniture in tow, they told me that they were expecting a baby to be born toward the end of my stay. Even though their lives were about to change with the birth of a second daughter, they assured me that space was plentiful.

It became quickly evident that this act of hospitality extended beyond space and into their lives. We shared a living room, dining room and kitchen, but more. We shared meals and conversations. I shared wedding plans and details of our move following the wedding. They shared stories of doctor appointments and encounters with neighbors. Their lifestyle encouraged me to live sacramentally, finding the beauty in life’s little moments shared in community.”

Read the rest of the article in the Nurturing Faith Journal.