Dr. Jackson was the first faculty member hired at BSK at its founding in 2002.
Dr. Dalen Jackson, academic dean and professor of biblical studies at BSK, wrote an opinion piece for Baptist News Global entitled, “About disfellowshipping churches based on the ‘clear’ teaching of Scripture” regarding the Southern Baptist Conventions recent decision to “disfellowship” certain churches for “affirming homosexuality within their memberships.” Dr. Jackson writes, “The use of the Bible to “clobber” Christians whose gender identity and/or sexual orientation fall outside the experience of a cultural majority is a longstanding and persistent plague in our Christian communities.”
Later, he writes, “To be blunt, the “clear” meaning of biblical texts and the “structure of biblical theology” that Mohler references are not inherent features of the Bible. They are the contingent meanings and structures he and like-minded persons have discerned from their own engagement with the texts within their own cultural world of meaning dominated by white, male, cisgender authority figures.”
To read Dr. Jackson’s article in full, click here.