Thank you for participating

BSK Pathway for Ministry Talk Sessions 2021

Please provide consent and info needed for $75  gift card.

Complete the Form

Complete this brief form to offer your consent and to provide us with info on your address and $75 gift card preference.

In the form you will be able to select from these gift cards/gift certificates:

Consent Form

Thanks for participating!

  • We need this to mail your $75 gift card.
  • About Your Ministry Experience

  • Check all that apply.
  • Check all that apply.
  • Please fill in the following numbers in your congregation

    For the next several entries, please provide a number.
  • About Theological Education

  • Choose all that apply. Please assume online options are available for all choices.
  • As a token of our appreciation for helping with this process, you will receive a $75 gift card (participation in a Talk Session required). A link to Pyramid Books online store is provided above on this webpage.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.