Community life is a central part of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky experience. We are committed to engaging students, faculty, and staff in the habits and practices of faithful Christian living, such as eating together, gifting one another, serving together, reading together, learning together, confessing our faith together, praying together, discerning together, and hoping together. By engaging in these shared practices together in the classroom, at chapel, and during impromptu gatherings, we form relationships that foster spiritual and moral development, nurture pastoral imagination and skills, and provide emotional support. Many of these relationships formed at BSK will last long after graduation.
Opportunities for formation in community include:
Eating Together
Students, faculty, and staff regularly eat with one another during the Monday lunch hour (between the morning and afternoon classes) and during the break time on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. These moments of informal fellowship provide students, faculty, and staff with opportunities to share stories, seek advice, and enjoy each other’s company.
Super Summer Fun Day
Each summer the BSK student body organizes a local off-campus event to engage the Seminary community while classes are out of session. Previous Super Summer Fun Days (on Mondays) have included a trip to Kings Island and a Lexington Legends baseball game.
Tolle Lege Book Club
Tolle Lege is a voluntary book club designed to foster the essential habit of regular reading and to expose participants to the wealth of formative and compelling books for ministers that typically are not included in the M.Div. curriculum. Over the summer of 2014, the group read Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda’s Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation. The group is currently engaged with Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory. The next meeting of Tolle Lege will be Thursday, September 4. Please contact Dr. John Inscore Essick for more information.