BSK Chapel & Community Prayer

Common worship & prayer is the heartbeat of a seminary community.

10am, via Zoom, see the schedule below.

Worship is a vital part of a seminary community.

BSK Chapel and Community Prayer is a time for faculty, students, staff, and friends of the seminary to cultivate habits and practices of faithful Christian worship.

Worship is a vital part of a seminary community. Worshipping together enriches and vivifies the community. Through community prayer and chapel worship, the seminary strives to be welcoming to our ecumenical community. The goal is to bring leaders and participants closer to the triune God and to one another.

Through worshipping and praying together, we seek to challenge and to charge our community to bring out God’s justice and love into the world, and also to bring hope, to encourage and strengthen each other for the journey of participating in God’s mission in the church and in the world.

A goal of theological education at BSK is formation. To that end, chapel and community prayer catechizes or forms students in the liturgical (broadly understood) foundations of Christian spirituality. Worship experiences at BSK strive to attend to the historical, racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity of liturgical and spiritual traditions not only represented in the seminary community, but also across the multiplicity of Christian traditions.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Chapel and prayers begin at 10am ET on Zoom.
Use the form below to see Zoom info.

January 22: Prayers, Dr. Mark Medley
February 5: Chapel, Dr. Lynn Brinkley, PAK Field Ministry Coordinator for CBF
February 19: Prayers, Anthony Stevenson
February 26: Prayers, Abby Sizemore
March 19: Chapel, BWIM focus
April 2: Chapel, Dr. Jaye Peabody Smith
April 16: Prayers, Laura Edgar
April 30: Prayers, Sarah Wall (tentative)
May 7: Graduates Chapel

About the Services

All Community Prayer and Chapel experiences will meet via Zoom.

Community Prayer will be a 15-20 minute experience.

Chapel worship will be a 40-minute experience, including preaching.

Community Prayer and Chapel services typically follow the liturgical calendar and the weekly lectionary cycle (the upcoming Sunday).

If you are interested in leading community prayers please contact Rev. Laura Edgar, Chapel and Community Prayers Coordinator at

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