BSK Proposed Strategic Plan

This page provides information on the proposed plan and a way for you to provide comments/ideas.


Use the form fields below to leave comments or ideas about any of the areas or proposed action items. You are not required to comment on each item — just the ones of interest to you.

The form below is anonymous, but if you wish to leave your name, you may do so in the last comment box.

Plan DRAFT Outline

Download the proposed strategic plan outline. Be sure to scroll down to leave comments on the plan’s components. Download PDF.


Previous Strategic Plan

In case it is helpful, use this link to download the previous strategic plan for 2014-2017.

Strategic Plan Survey

Use this form to share comments/ideas regarding BSK's proposed strategic plan.

  • Using this Survey

    There are four sections below, with each offering action items. Please provide comments/ideas for any of these action items. A final section allows for comments that go beyond the proposed strategic plan. Be sure to click "submit" when finished to save your comments.
  • A. Cultivate BSK’s Leadership in Key Areas

    These are the proposed areas where BSK will focus its efforts.
  • Active: Offering M.Div. with concentration in Pastoral Care. Please provide comments/ideas below regarding this key area.
  • Active: Journey for Justice and work with KY Women in Ministry. Please provide comments/ideas below regarding this key area.
  • Active: Presence at Simmons College. Please provide comments/ideas below regarding this key area.
  • Active: M.Div. with Concentration in Rural Ministry. Collaboration with Berry Center. Please provide comments/ideas below regarding this key area.
  • Active: Flourish Center. Please provide comments/ideas below regarding this key area.
  • B. Increase Access for Learners

    Make BSK's educational offerings easier for more persons to engage.
  • Georgetown & Louisville. Comments/Ideas for this item?
  • Possible shorter M.Div. or adding a professional M.A. Comments/Ideas for this item?
  • Possible certificate or non-credit offerings for laypersons or continuing education for ministers. Not attached to degree programs. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Allow students to earn degree(s) online via Internet. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Expand/revise contextual ministry approach to offer additional contexts (immersion, justice, mission, non-profit service). Comments/ideas for this item?
  • C. Create Sustainable Financial Growth

    Provide adequate financial resources for BSK to pursue its mission.
  • Use consistent communications and clear messaging to engage current donors. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Connect with and motivate new donors through networking and relationship-building. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Consistently pursue grant funding relating to key focus areas. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Find $1 million donor to launch campaign. Donor will provide an additional $2 million at the conclusion of campaign if $3 million in matching funds are raised by BSK. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • D. Develop Board Capabilities

    Increase board capabilities around fund-raising and oversight.
  • Provide resourcing/training to enable stronger networking and fund-raising by the board. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Provide resourcing and information regarding the work of theological schools. Comments/ideas for this item?
  • Miscellaneous Comments

    Provide comments below about any areas not addressed above.