BSK Faculty Participate in Ignite

BSK Faculty Participate in Ignite

The faculty of the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky are participating in a series at St. Stephen Church in Louisville, KY called Ignite. This series takes place on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM and is meant to empower church members to join in the ministries of the church.

Dr. Wade Rowatt and Dr. Dalen Jackson have already participated in Ignite. Next, Dr. John Inscore Essick will be speaking on, “Going and Staying:  Black Baptists and Church Freedom after the Civil War” on Wednesday, July 11, 2018. See the full schedule for when BSK Faculty will participate in Ignite below:

July 11 – Dr. John Inscore Essick – Going and Staying:  Black Baptists and Church Freedom after the Civil War

Dr. Inscore Essick is Associate Professor of Church History at BSK


August 8 – Dr. Mark Medley – The Significance of an Ancient African Woman’s Martyrdom for Understanding Baptism Today

Dr. Medley is Professor of Theology at BSK


September 12 – Dr. Laura Rodgers Levens – Mission Trail-blazers in the Black Church

Dr. Levens is Assistant Professor of Christian Mission at BSK

To learn more about Ignite, or to register to attend, click here.