Learn about our approach to the Spring 2022 semester

(Updated January 2022)  The spring semester is rapidly approaching, and I want to update you on our status for classes for the spring. First of all, be aware that all for-credit classes taught at BSK are accessible to enrolled students remotely by Zoom; this is an ongoing commitment by the seminary. While we may seek opportunities for in-person gatherings where possible, any such gatherings at the level of an individual class will include an option for students to participate remotely by Zoom at the regularly scheduled times for those classes.

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of going away, especially with the resurgence brought on by the Delta variant, we will continue to operate with an abundance of caution even in considering in-person gatherings. Where we have clusters of students in the Louisville or Lexington/Georgetown areas in particular classes, instructors will have the option to offer in-person experiences at our campus sites if students are interested (unless further COVID-related restrictions are necessary). Students not attending such meetings in person will be able to participate by Zoom. No student will be required to attend in-person gatherings. If we are able to schedule in-person experiences, attendance will be limited to persons who are vaccinated against COVID-19. Masks may be required, depending on the circumstances, and social distancing will be practiced as appropriate. More details on these protocols will be forthcoming as they become available.

Please be checking your BSK email for further updates as the beginning of the spring term nears. We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Dalen Jackson
Academic Dean