BSK Cosby Scholars discuss MLK’s impact on today’s fight for racial justice

BSK Cosby Scholars discuss MLK’s impact on today’s fight for racial justice

During the Fall 2022 semester, Dr. Lewis Brogdon, Executive Director of BSK’s Institute for Black Church Studies and Associate Professor of Preaching and Black Church Studies, taught “The Life and Theology of Martin Luther King, Jr.” In this class, students were given the assignment of watching a two-hour documentary on Martin Luther King, Jr. (either “King in the Wilderness” on HBO Max or “MLK FBI” on Prime Video) and present an informative 20 to 30-minute panel discussion of the documentary and its relevance for today with fellow class members. 

Cheri Mills, a student in this class, interviewed Joseph Mitchell and Dorsey Greene, classmates and NBCA leaders for her project. Watch this important panel discussion here:

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