Rev. Brittany Stillwell, who graduated from BSK in 2013, recently wrote an article for Baptist News Global reflecting on the progress and work to be done for women in ministry. Stillwell writes,
“This next 40 years is calling us to something deeper and even more expansive. While there are many beautiful exceptions, the journey this far tended to center cisgender white women with a Southern Baptist heritage. As we begin this next chapter, it is time to look for new ways to value and support the voices of our Black and brown sisters. It is time to make even more safe spaces for our queer sisters, for women who lead in critical roles beyond the senior pastorate, for women of all ages discerning their call. It is time to continue stretching across the United States and beyond and to reach across Baptist denominational affiliations, so no woman is left alone and struggling in her call.”
Click here to read the article in full.