Browning Writes for Baptist News Global

Browning Writes for Baptist News Global

Dr. Browning retired as pastor of FBC Frankfort, KY in June 2018.

Dr. Bob Browning, Secretary of the Board of Trustees at the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky, has written an article for Baptist News Global. Browning’s article is entitled, “8 ways to wound a minister” and in it, he discusses things that church members do through their words and actions that can be harmful to ministers in their churches. Browning writes,

“Who wounds the leaders whose job it is to heal broken hearts and bodies? Tragically, it can be the people they are called to serve. It was true for Jesus. It is no different for modern-day shepherds.


I am convinced many church members are unaware of ways they wound their ministers. By and large, laypersons have good hearts. They love the women and men God has called to lead their community of faith.


Regrettably, this is not true for all who inflict wounds on ministers. Sadly, their words and deeds are meant to harm.


Perhaps it would help church members to know how ministers are wounded. This could lead to constructive changes in the way they relate to their ministers.”

To read the full article, click here.