Amber Inscore Essick Writes for Henry County Local

Amber Inscore Essick Writes for Henry County Local

Rev. Amber Inscore Essick also serves as co-pastor of Port Royal Baptist Church.

Baptist Seminary of Kentucky adjunct professor, Rev. Amber Inscore Essick, recently wrote an article for the Henry County Local. This article addressed the many ways individuals pray. Rev. Inscore Essick’s article prompted readers to consider how they would pray during the busy days of summer, and encouraged them to use tactile items to remind them of locations in which they feel close to God. Rev. Inscore Essick writes,

“For some people, a particular posture or place shapes the time and manner of praying, especially in private. Eyes open or closed, hands folded or open, body bowed or arms outstretched. As important as the particular posture or place might be to each person, it is most important that our bodies are poised to listen and speak to God, and even to sit in the presence of God without expecting to say or hear anything. When we are at home, we can form habits of praying in certain places or in a certain way.”

To read the rest of Rev. Inscore Essick’s article, click here.