A prayer before Election Day

A prayer before Election Day
Dr. John Inscore Essick, Associate Professor of Church History at BSK, has offered a prayer ahead of Election Day. Read these important words below. 


Lord God, as another election day approaches, we are doing our best to understand better how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful neighbors in our community.

This is hard work, for we are caught up in an endless parade of signs and sides, hopes and histrionics, poll numbers and promises.

As Tuesday approaches, we pray for one another and for all people who share in our life together.

          Lord, have mercy.


For those who elect to enter the voting booth on Tuesday, may their choice to vote further justice for the least of these and the flourishing of your beautiful creation.

Keep those who choose to vote from making an idol out of the ballot and a god of their candidate.

Embolden them to hold all elected officials – even the ones they vote for – accountable to the way of truth, dignity, and humanity.

          Lord, have mercy.


For those who elect to avoid the voting booth on Tuesday, may their refusal to vote remind us that elections regularly fall short of bringing about justice for the least of these and the flourishing of your beautiful creation.

Keep those who choose not to vote from succumbing to apathy and cynicism.

Strengthen them for the work of standing up to the powerful and speaking up for those made poor, kept hungry, and driven to desperation.

          Lord, have mercy.


For those who are unable to vote on Tuesday because of age, criminal record, voter suppression, legal status, or any other reason, may their lack of access to the voting booth renew our commitment to the justice work of valuing the voice of all people.

Keep those disallowed from voting from falling into despair and hopelessness.

Lead us to listen to them as they aggravate, irritate, and agitate for the sake of the “deliberately silenced and preferably unheard” (Arundhati Roy).

          Lord, have mercy.
